Welcome! I grew up in Northern California in a small community where living 'naturally' was the way of life. From a very young age, I learned how to grow vegetables and flowers, build things, paint; how to earn money selling figs from my tree outside a local toy store. I was taught to use my imagination, entertain myself, play outside, and create whatever I wanted. I was taught to never say "I can't" and that "where there is a will, there is a way." In 2006, I could no longer watch my husband suffer with the misery of psoriasis. So, 'naturally' I started creating my own concoctions in my kitchen. I drew from my 20 years in the cosmetic business and began researching, ordering, and mixing every natural, earth-grown, ingredient I could find that had ever been thought to soothe skin conditions. I already knew that the thousands of petroleum derived ingredients in the products we had tried would never help and that the 'natural' options that were available were too basic. 7 years and Hundreds of experiments later, I am the proud maker of a completely natural skin care line that is healing, soothing, richly nourishing, elegantly packaged, and lovely to use... which is what I call..."naturally luxurious."

Thursday, January 15, 2015

What You Don't Know About Your Skin Could Be Making You Look Old

Today it occurred to me that, NEVER, in the last 20 years of working in the “luxury” cosmetic industry, have any of the 1000’s of women I have worked with ever told me that she “loves her skin and thinks it is beautiful just the way it is.”  NEVER!  The conversation is always about what is wrong with her skin, how it doesn’t look good enough, feel smooth enough, tight enough, lifted enough, radiant enough, young enough, etc.  These customers have then poked, pulled, stretched, lifted, and even tucked their skin, to physically show me how their skin has failed. 

Well ladies, truth be told…it is not our Skin that has failed, it is our collective understanding of what Skin IS, what Skin DOES, and what Skin NEEDS. Albert Einstein said “Look deep into nature and you will understand everything better.”  Well, that is what we are going to do. 

Your Skin IS Your Immune System

Did you know that your Skin is actually a huge part of your Immune System?  Your Skin’s job is to protect your body from disease and prevent water loss.  It was never supposed to “look pretty.”   Your Skin is alive and constantly hunts down any harmful Pathogen (chemical, particle, bacteria, microbe, or unidentifiable substance) and attempts to destroy 

Your Skin is the ONLY physical barrier between your internal organs and the environment – your Skin takes the first hit in any battle and is your first line of defense against any infection and disease causing pathogen.  If any disease causing invader is able to penetrate the Skin, your Skin then secretes Anti-Microbial Peptides to fight it.  If the Barrier and Anti-Microbial defenses don’t do the trick, your Skin then employs its own Special Forces (think Navy Seals) to literally engulf and metabolize the pathogens before they can reach the blood stream and travel throughout the body. 

Another amazing fact is that your Skin supports its own ecosystem of over 1 trillion micro-organisms from over 1000 species of bacteria (known as Skin Flora) that live on the skin at any given moment!  And, no matter how much washing, cleansing, or clari-sonic-ing you do they will still be there!  What is even more remarkable is that your Skin must correctly determine when there is a pathogen among those 1 trillion little guys and dispose of it properly so it cannot harm you internally.

Cell-Care vs. Skin-Care

Skin is alive and is made up of millions of Cells.  Therefore, Cells must be the focus of Skin-Care.  Cells are the very building blocks of all human life.  It is the health of the Cells that is truly important for healthy, well-functioning Skin, yet we rarely talk about what our cells need.  Cells are basically a microscopic energy factory that holds multiple different mini-energy factories.  Each Cell has its own function and nutritional needs and each mini-factory has its own function and needs as well. 

If Cells are healthy and strong, they are more likely to prevent disease, if they are weak and permeable, they are less likely to prevent disease.  For Cells to be healthy and fight disease, they need Vitamins A, C, D, & E, Lipids, Proteins, Water, and other botanical elements found in Nature.  “Beautiful” Skin must be thought of as all Cells are healthy, functioning on all-cylinders, and winning the battle against pathogens with the least amount of energy.  As a Human, it is your job to make sure that all of those factories get the resources they need to do their jobs.

Changing Our Mindsets

Let’s be honest…have you previously considered your Skin as part of your Immune System, as your first line of defense against disease, or considered the health of your Cells when buying your Skin-“Care” products?  Probably not, and it’s not your fault.  We have not been taught to care for our Skin as part of our overall health and well-being. We have been trained to purchase products that reduce pore size, minimize fine lines and wrinkles; tone, tighten, lift, and firm our “aging” Skin.  We are taunted by the idea of reversing “aging” and become “more” beautiful.  Our Skin is categorized into “Types” – Aging, Oily, Normal, Combination, Dry, etc. and then we buy the prescribed products.   When these product options don’t satisfy us, we seek out more aggressive and invasive options.  This selling strategy is the main reason why we are not happy with our Skin. 

Mainstream Skin-“Care” is Doing More Harm Than Good 

Your Skin is alive.  You are alive.  Imagine you are given the choice to eat a Peach or a Bouncy ball.  You know that you can digest the peach and it will benefit your health, whereas the bouncy ball would be toxic.  This is the same situation with a Skin Cell and the choice between Peach Kernel Oil or Petrolatum.  The Skin Cell knows how to metabolize the Peach Kernel Oil and benefit from it, whereas Petrolatum is a foreign, non-biological, toxic intruder.  Now, Petrolatum may seem benign enough, but what about Ammonium Acryloyldimethyltaurate/VP Copolymer?  What is a Skin Cell supposed to do with THAT?  Constantly fighting these types of chemicals exhausts Cell resources and provides nothing of benefit for it to convert into energy.

Why I detest the idea of a Skin-“Type”

There once was a time, in the not so distant past, when the concept of a “skin-type” didn’t exist.  The concept was created by a marketing team to sell more products.  It is true that skin functions differently for different people (due mainly to overall Cell health), but that has nothing to do with Skin-“type.”  Consider that Skin is an Organ just like the Heart, Liver, Pancreas, etc. and we don’t go to the Doctor and talk about Heart-type, or Liver-type, or Pancreas-type!

It’s Time to Flip the Script

When choosing products to put on our Skin, instead of saying “my skin is oily, what can I buy to stop the oil?” We must think, “My Skin is telling me it needs more oil, maybe I need to supply additional lipids to fight an invasion!” Or, instead of saying “my skin looks old.” We must think “My Skin may be overworked and burning out? I may need to supply it with a power boost of anti-oxidants that can aid in the fight against invasion!” This type of thinking is what will lead us to better overall health and “beauty.”